Tuesday July 13, 2021, 7:00pm

Mid America Freedom Band

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday July 13, 2021, 7:00pm


Attendees: Christian Montes, Nathan Brown, Erin Trampel, Rameka Jennings, Austin Rexroad, Alex Welch, Rose Rodriguez ; Staff: Jessie Riggins, Lee Hartman

Acting Proxy: Christian on behalf of Grace Diebolt

Called to order at 7:05 pm. 


Secretary,  Rameka

May minutes submitted to be posted on the website.

No corrections were made to the minutes. Minutes approved as distributed, to be posted to the website.

Artistic Director, Lee

Fall music has been ordered.  Still waiting on the date for the WWI concert before we make our full season announcement. 

$20,000.00 grant written for Jon Sims Endowment for timpani. We expect it to come back as a challenge grant where we’ll have to raise a certain amount before they give us the money which is common in these types of situations.

ArtsKC Final report submitted. MAC final report to be submitted before Monday, July 19.

Women Band Directors International (WBDI) performance went smashingly and was very well received by the members.

We need to talk about KC Pride, Northland Pride, and Wayside Waifs.

Recommend discussing an “opportunity” committee to be the point of contact for outside performing engagements.

First rehearsal back will be August 19, 2021.

Want to apply for an NEA grant, but it’s a lot of work. Lee is reaching out to a colleague with experience in this type of grant writing to see if they are available for hire.Might be eligible for “Save our Stages/Venue '' grant, will check into that.  Groups are getting generous donations from the organization.  Thank you Jessie & Chistian for all their work on the WBDI program!

Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie

Fall music has been ordered. Shout out to Nathan and Jeanine for helping get everything set up and ready! I have two concerts planned for this season, one in the fall and one in spring with our two premieres. 

Can I get a meeting with Christian/Ian/Lee to discuss possible venues? 

First Mighty Mo rehearsal will be Thursday, August 12th at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Since this will be before concert band starts, are there any forms, etc. about COVID I need to have on hand for members? 

Jessie will have Might Mo members review and sign off on the membership handbook (with COVID protocols) and sign-in sheet at rehearsals for tracking.

Board Chair, Christian 

Joe Duncan has decided to step down from Mighty Mo. 

KC Pride will cost us $100 to participate in. Do I have approval to apply and proceed? (info at https://kcpridealliance.org/parade)

We should invite Pride Bands Alliance Folks after our August board meeting.

We need to get the check signing privs changed over this month.

Jessie will take on Joe’s responsibilities for Mighty Mo.

Will move forward with a Float entry.  Christian will reach out to Chuck with availability for truck and trailer.  Rameka will head the decoration committee.  Rameka will reach out to shirt vendors for in-expensive, quick turn around shirts.   We will extend an invitation to Pride Bands Alliance folks to attend with us.

Treasurer, Nathan

Financial documentation available upon request.

Orders have been made on all requested music orders (waiting on response for 1 piece)
990-N Filing completed

Lee reported that we did well financially - in the black!

Business Operations, Ian

Filled out report

Not attending meeting.

Kelly, Social Director

Filled out report

Not attending meeting.

Jeanine, Librarian

Generally working on scanning for concert bands and Mighty Mo as pieces arrive.

Not attending meeting.

Webmaster, Erin

Minutes for May posted on the website.

Nothing to report.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising, Rameka

Would like to confirm a date for Bad Drag Brunch at Rochester!

Sunday, October 24th - 11am-2pm

Considering doing a catered brunch vs. food trucks.   Will explore options with the committee.  

Rochester will be brewing a custom beer for the event and packaging a limited amount for sale.  Rameka and Lee will collaborate on how we will recognize Rochester for their support.

Marketing, Grace

Not attending meeting.

Membership, Alex

Membership spotlight: After months and multiple emails to folks, I am setting a hard deadline for the board and staff to get their membership spotlight videos in for editing. If you do not have something submitted by 7/31, Lucas and I will proceed without you and you will be added to the list for selection from the regular membership when we start with them. 

The Membership committee would like to start exploring community outreach ideas. Things such as other non profits we can volunteer with as a group or otherwise partner with

Have we acquired proper sanitization equipment for the start of the season yet? Hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, enough pens for any forms so we can have a clean/dirty pen selection?

Thank you to everyone that voted to approve the participation agreement!

With a big focus on membership retention, I want to encourage the entire band to reach out if someone in their section starts missing rehearsals on a regular basis just to make sure everything is okay. Even if things are okay and they’re just super busy and can’t make it, this will help them feel like they are missed and a valued member of the band. 

I will not be able to participate in the Fall concert unfortunately. Because of this, I will not be able to be at most rehearsals to greet new members during this part of the season. I will still be responding to emails, but will be designating a band ambassador to be the person to look for and will be copying them on emails when someone wants to join. 

Rameka will bring mini hand sanitizers and Christian will pick up pens and wipes for sanitation.

Old Business

OKR Update

View Metrics Doc Here

Pride discussions.

New Business

Returning to in person meetings

We will look for spaces to return to live meetings.  Christian will email the group to judge comfortability.  

We will participate in Northland Virtual Pride - we can record a group performance from rehearsal.   Chrisitan will look into Johnson County Pride.  We will likely not participate because the date is too close (Aug 14th).

Chirsitan will reach out to Ian regarding conducting for the Fur Ball.  If he is unavailable, Lee will conduct. 

Christian and Lee would like to form an Outreach committee - reaching out to local organizations for us to perform.  That team would have to bring all findings for board approval.

Erin Trampel