Tuesday, November 9, 2021 7:00pm

Attendees: Alex Welch, Christian Montes, Erin Trampel, Grace Diebolt, Jeanine Asay, Nathan Brown, Rameka Jennings, Rose Rodriguez, Ruth Robarge; Staff: Lee Hartman, Ian Bradt;

Called to order at 7:06 pm. 



Nothing to report.

October minutes approved as distributed, to be posted to the website.

Artistic Director, Lee

The Timpani campaign is live on the website, thanks Rameka, Ian, and Eryn for putting this together. Pushing this out on social media and e-blast this week.  Please please share and donate if able. Could we make it more prominent on the page? https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTMyNTcz  I’m matching the first $500. 

The Gem/AJM is interested in exploring an ensemble-in-resident sort of deal. We need to move on this pretty quickly. What do we want this to look like? 

Neighborhood tourism and Development grant due Nov. 15 and will be done by then.

Need to update the membership concert counter.  Can anyone take this on?


Membership committee will take over responsibility of the membership concert counter.

Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie

Pausing rehearsals until early 2022, still looking for a rehearsal space.

Board Chair, Christian 

I moved to a new place. I will have to update the band address as it was registered to my old home.

Houston is next week!

The way we’ve been doing rehearsals has worked good so far. What should we do when the mask mandates drop? I would like to still have the requirement of vaccination to attend. The trace is up for discussion.

After the Mayor dropped the mask mandate, most groups are following that guideline.  We will poll the group for comfort level.  Vaccine requirement is a must, but we will poll the membership with options for tracing, signing- in, etc. that fall in line with the Church’s requirements. 

Treasurer, Nathan

Financial documentation available upon request.

Ian will check with the Gem to make sure that we are current with deposits.  He will also note that we do not need the piano.

Business Operations, Ian

Electronic ticketing at the concert went well and the front of house team learned a lot.  If someone pays for a ticket (onsite) for the concert and doesn’t provide an email, the MAFB info address was being used.  Ian is working with Flip Cause to allow us to bypass the email requirement for onsite ticket sales.

Lee will check on equipment we will potentially need for the WWI concert, so Ian can determine the size of truck we need.

Ian suggested we reach out to Bryan Busby to engage him for our timpani campaign.

Jeanine, Librarian

Nothing to report.

Nothing to add.

Webmaster, Erin

Season artwork is ready to go and has been updated on the website. September minutes were posted after the last meeting, and I will post the October minutes after they are approved tonight.

Updated website header with timpani campaign graphic.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising, Rameka

I am working on procuring all the items for the timpani levels, so I can get the couple to send out ASAP that have already donated.  Overall, I’m focusing the rest of the year on driving this timpani campaign.

We need to make sure that the following people(s) are recognized in a section in the holiday concert program.

Rudiment - Johnda Boyce

Tempo - Ian Bradt

In the Pocket - George Ryan

Rameka is working on a postcard with QR code that we can use at the concert and mail to our donor base.  Rameka will work with Ian for printing/address for mailer.

Marketing, Grace

Nothing to report.

Membership, Alex

Lucas got around to editing the membership spotlight interviews, he tried to salvage the audio, but we weren’t able to make out half of what was said. We are going to put the membership spotlight videos on the back burner for now but when we pick them back up, we’re going to need to redo the ones that were shot at Rochester. 

Alex brought up that we need to be soliciting for board elections.  He will head the election committee.

Ruth, Christian, and Austin are up for re-election this year. 

Bylaws Section 7.01.b:

  • Election Committee Appointed: No later than 90 prior to the Annual Meeting

  • Nominations open no later than 15 days following the appointment of the election committee

  • Nominations must be open for at least 15 days

This committee will include the following representation: one Director, one staff member, and one to five Full Member(s), none of whom will be up for election to the Board of Directors.

Erin volunteers to join the Election committee as a Board member and Jeanine will join as a staff member.  We will make an announcement at rehearsal on Thursday and include it in the membership email.

Old Business

OKR Update

View Metrics Doc Here

Report given at meeting

New Business

Establishing Communication Guidelines

Alex: In previous years did we have an established best practice for interacting with other organizations? With the communication frustrations we experienced this summer with KC Pride Community Alliance, it may be good to make sure the band is aware of such a practice or establish one if it does not yet exist to avoid future issues. 

Lee, Ian, Chistian and Jessie are the only representatives of the band that are allowed to represent our band in official contractual obligations.   All board and staff members are open to communications with other organizations on the band’s behalf with organizations that align with our objectives and values.  Christian encourages all board and staff members to communicate with other board/staff members if they are in conversations with other organizations, etc.  We will address and remind membership of this at our annual meeting.

As we convene a new board, we should establish a practice for communication guidelines.

Committee for Establishing Gem as a new Home

Ian, Lee and Christian will head the committee.   They are looking for volunteers to contribute to the committee.

We will need to relocate office functions, as we will (likely) not have space available for our use.  Lee will look at some options/contacts that might be open to housing our office.

Jeanine and Rameka will join the committee.

Executive Session

Meeting adjourn 7:57pm

Erin Trampel