Tuesday May 11, 2021, 7:00pm

Attendees: Christian Montes, Rameka Jennings, Erin Trampel, Nathan Brown, Alex Welch, Rose Rodriguez, Grace Diebolt, Ruth Robarge; Staff: Ian Bradt, Joe Duncan, Lee Hartman, Jessie Riggins; Members

Called to order at 7:05 pm. 



March minutes submitted to be posted on the website.

No corrections were made to the minutes. Minutes approved as distributed, to be posted to the website.

Artistic Director, Lee

In-person rehearsals have begun! Keeping it light and pop-ish for the time being as we are outside. Branded front-facing bell covers have been ordered for use beyond this season [MAFB will retain possession of these so they won’t be misplaced].

It’s a no-go for the MARC performance.  The filming restrictions and timeline were unsafe.

We are participating in the combined Pride Bands Alliance performance Loud and Proud (air time June 26)

We have been asked to be the featured ensemble for WBDI July 8 and 9

No additional needs from the band for Pride Bands Alliance performance and WBDI (Lee and Jessie will handle).

Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie

Looking forward to building out what Mighty Mo’s season will look like! I would like to meet with Lee/Ian/Joe at some point to discuss where/when rehearsals should be happening, and performance venues. If we can get into the Gem the day before the MAFB concert, perhaps Mighty Mo can do a Friday night performance slot in the same space without needing an additional rental fee? We would need to think about conflicting events with the Blue Room’s booking schedule, parking, security, etc. for an event down there on a Friday night… but we would potentially have foot traffic to our concert. 

Additionally we could explore off-dates at The Blue Room (reopening June 4, woo hoo!), Black Dolphin/Green Lady/Phoenix. Stage size would be something to consider at these smaller venues. 

I’d love to get Mighty Mo rolling a few weeks before the concert band, aiming for the first or second week in August. We’ve had a lot of interest in joining, and are still on the lookout for building our trumpet and rhythm sections up. If you know anyone interested please send me their info and I will reach out to them! 

I’d also like to work on a weekly rehearsal email for just Mighty Mo members. I could easily add a tag in mailchimp and run everything through there if that is okay with the powers that be :) 

Nothing new to report.

Jessie will use the Mail Chimp account for Mighty Mo weekly rehearsal email.  Jessie will also help Lee clean up the current list in Mailchimp (pulling info from Flip Cause)

Board Chair, Christian 

We will dedicate most of the meeting to Budget and OKR’s.

Nothing new to report.

Treasurer, Nathan

Financial documentation available upon request.
$625 donations from the May 2nd concert! Thank you!

Possibility of using Quickbooks bill payment system to send monthly payments to Lee & Jessie instead of checks?

Nothing new to report.

Business Operations, Ian

Confirmed with the City of Kansas City that we do not need to hold a business license as a non-profit organization. We have provided KCMO with copies of our federal and state nonprofit documentation for their record.

No further action taken on Season 19 concert dates as we haven’t reached agreement on specific dates to pursue (that I recall). WWI is still being worked on.

The revised version of the participant handbook has been reviewed and commented on. Alex has integrated most of the comments and there are still a few to be discussed further. I will be joining the Membership Committee meeting on 07 JUN to discuss those comments.

The membership site for the Season 19 membership has been built out in Flipcause. This will be a slightly different mechanism that we used last year now that we have learned about using Flipcause. For the user, it won't look all that different but it allows us to program some things in so that we don't have to remember to change things in the campaign when we leave early-bird registration, etc. The Participation Agreement remains unchanged from last year; however, the Board should review the text to determine if there are any changes that it would like to have made before the site goes live. We have also established a COVID-19 Acknowledgement and Indemnification statement to which participants will have to agree at the time of their registration. This will be separate from the main Participant Agreement but will be acknowledged in the same screen. 

Once we set Season 19 dues, I will update the Season 19 Membership site with the appropriate rates. There will, again, be an option for people to pay monthly if they choose (though, again, slightly different from this year). This site will not be public but we can provide a link to those that need to take this approach. Right now, we only have two people paying monthly through Flipcause. Season 18 dues were tax deductible since there was not tangible benefit from paying them. With the return to in-person performances and, I assume, a return to comp tickets for members, that tax deductibility will go away for Season 19.  I know of at least one person who raised hesitation about not using PayPal to pay monthly dues. I will defer to the Board how to handle that issue of payment but would advocate that Participation and COVID-19 agreements still need to be in Flipcause since it is our system of record.

We have a request from MAC to provide additional documentation for increased funding; however, MAC has not provided to us the appropriate documentation to push forward our portion of the request. Once they provide that, I will process this as soon as I can. Lee has reached out to MAC to determine when this documentation will be sent.

Remember that we can use Flipcause for registration for activities and events even if they do not require a fee. Let me know if anyone needs assistance on such activities on Flipcause.

Nothing new to report.

Mighty Mo, Joe
Nothing to report

Not attending meeting.

Kelly, Social Director

Nothing to report.

Not attending meeting.

Jeanine, Librarian

Nothing to report.

Not attending meeting.

Webmaster, Erin

Nothing to report.

Nothing new to report.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising, Rameka

Potential sponsorship opportunities with HomeLight.  Will pay $250 for the logo and website link on our website.  Will consider additional sponsorship for our fundraisers if we do the same logo/link.  I need to do some googling about this...not sure I totally trust.  I asked the person what was in it for them and they said it was a new digital strategy (SEO for logo/website on other sites).

Working on some ideas for the June/Pride fundraiser.  Some thoughts: virtual drag bingo, dining for dollars, social media asks(5 days/$5, join monthly giving), sale for online shops, sell pride packs (sticker, button, yard sign…),busking, member pub crawl….

Will re-engage committee for Bad Drag Night - will shoot for October/Nov date.

Nothing new to add.

Marketing, Grace

Looking for ideas to celebrate pride for social media.  

Grace will explore “What does Pride mean to you?” campaign 

Membership, Alex

Confirmed reservation with Rochester on Sunday, May 16th starting at 11 am. They’re reserving a group of tables for us in a corner so we can have fewer disturbances. James Arcano is going to be interviewing members of the Board and Staff for the membership spotlight videos during this time. If you want to do yours virtually and have not emailed me about doing so already, please do so. If not, please sign up for a time slot here. Does the band have a camera that we can use for this purpose? If not, we can figure something out. Their Address is 2129 Washington St, Kansas City, MO 64108. I will send an email out with the address and sign up sheet. 

Brand Ambassador emails have gone out. 

For the Dungeons and Dragons social that was proposed earlier in the year, Jake Walker has offered to run a 4-6 part campaign for us. He does ask for $100 to do so. Knowing how much work Jake puts into the campaigns he puts together, I believe this is more than fair for the amount of time, as each session is likely to last a minimum of 3-4 hours and he puts at least two hours of prep per hour of game time. 

The Membership Committee is looking for another 1-2 members. We typically meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. If you would like to join, please let me know and I’ll invite you to the next one

We are looking at having a Member event the first weekend in June. Salsa contest? 

Alex will source a piece of flair for Ambassadors to signify they are a resource for members.

Alex will reach out to members that have expressed interest for D&D social, will report back on interest and commitment level to gauge success.

Lee would like to add the salsa contest to the band PotLuck.  Will refocus efforts to a Prideful August return to band Potluck, due to concerns of a potluck in June.

Old Business


View Metrics Doc Here

New Business

Budget will be voted on after Christian has a chance to update.

Motion made to keep the dues for early bird $60 until Oct. 1 and raised to $80 after Oct. 1 was adopted without objection.

Rev Peterson has disabled my alarm code (Joe) and is concerned.  Someone else entered the building on May 1 and used my code.  Rev Peterson said it was a female.  

--I talked to Pastor Heidi: old codes will be disabled and assigned to Christian Montes, Lee Hartman, Jessie Riggins, Jeanine Asay, Joe Duncan, Ian Bradt, J.J. Pearse, and Daniel Vu. --Christian

Meeting adjourned at 10:09pm

Erin Trampel