Tuesday June 14, 2022, 7:30pm

Attendees: BOARD MEMBERS:Christain Montes, Nathan Brown, Steven Irving, Erin Trampel, J.J. Pearse, Alex Welch, Rose Rodriguez Staff: Erin Trampel, Jeanine Asay, Jessie Riggins, Ian Bradt; Members: adsf

Called to order at 7:35 pm. 



Sorry for my mishap sending out information for meetings. It was a typo that I missed and I appreciate everyone’s kindness as I continue to figure this fabulous role of mine and its many intricacies.    

Artistic Director, Lee

No report submitted.

Assistant Artistic Director, Jessie

Our next Mighty Mo concert Kansas City Sweetheart is in two weeks! Hopefully by the time you are reading this I have the Facebook event up. Please share! Tuesday, June 28th, 7:30 pm at B&B Live. Thank you Erin for the beautiful artwork once again!

After this we will be on break until September. Eddy at Spirit of Hope has contacted us for their next Bingo Night. Originally this was going to be in July, but was moved to either September or October. 

Looking forward to exploring what a new space means for Mighty Mo concerts. A LOT of possibilities at the potential venue! 

Board Chair, Christian 

Please fill out your availability on the Doodle for our retreat.

Vice Chair, Alex

I got quite a few ideas while in Chicago that I can’t wait to further develop into actionable plans. One of the things I would like to look into is expanding the board. MAFB is growing and we currently have the maximum amount of board members. 

Treasurer, NathanStatement of Activity

Balance as of 6/14/22: $39,878.98

Still waiting on information about the purchase of the Timpani.

Business Operations, Ian

St Andrews proposal has been submitted as of June 13th. Storage might still be a concern, but the venue is open to further discussion. We should rethink our current methods of storage and organization. Spring cleaning could be a good idea should we move into the new space. Met with Central Presbyterian about rehearsal space and our current situation with them. If Central Presbyterian reaches out to anyone besides Ian be sure to forward those messages to him since he is now the designated contact for us.

Kelly, Social Director

No report submitted.

Jeanine, Librarian

Nothing to report.

Webmaster, Erin

Added next Might Mo concert to the website, and minutes are up to date. We probably need to replace the timpani hero message soon, but we can probably put it off until we’re ready to replace it with the season announcement. I will start working on the season branding soon.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising, Rameka

No report submitted.

Marketing, Grace

No report submitted.

Membership, Alex

I’ll be sending a message out soon regarding a scrapbooking event so we can get together a scrapbook for Season 19. Please upload any pictures you’ve taken over the last year to the google drive so I can get them printed please!

Performance Opportunities, Steven and Rose

Thank you to everyone who showed up for the Pride Parade. It was an amazing opportunity to showcase our organization. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to have more participation so that we can play and maybe even have a flag line! Lee is putting together recordings to help submit for performance opportunities. Rose looked into playing for the Monarchs. 

Old Business

No old business

New Business

Retreat-Doodle deadline for scheduling will be Friday June 17th.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Erin Trampel